The World Report

Independent journalism from Poland

Who we are

The World Report is a series of independent podcasts with a mission to create a more informed public with a better understanding of events and processes that shape contemporary life. We cover world politics, culture with a focus on literature, social issues, science and new technologies, business, culture, sport and other issues and events we believe have important impact on the way people live.
We come from radio reporting background and consider podcast to be an inspiring method of reporting and providing informed commentary on the issues we consider worth looking at. We strongly believe in the best standards of broadcast journalism, both in terms of content and technical quality. We pre-record our programmes in a professional studio and our field reports which we get from all over the world are up to the best sound quality standards. Our contributors are Polish and international experts as well as people whose stories we consider unique and worth sharing worldwide. We publish the podcast in Polish and some of the interviews are dropped in their originals language as well.

We produce the podcast in 7 unique formats

The team

The people behind all of it

We are a team of journalists and media professionals with Editor Dariusz Rosiak, an award winning reporter and author of several books. We are dedicated to creating the best podcast in Polish available for free to whoever is interested in the world and people who live in it. We are funded by listeners, both individuals and companies who provide us with voluntary donations via a crowdfunding platform. Our Patrons and Sponsors do not have any editorial control over the programme. We take all the decisions and assume all responsibility over the running of all of our podcasts.

More questions? Contact us.
